Math for early childhood
Reception weekly plans - Autumn Term Maths - White Rose
Autumn Term Plans based on the White Rose guidance 2020. 11 weeks planning covering numbers to 5, size, pattern and time.
Phase 1 - Just Like Me
Phase 2 - It’s Me 1,2,3!
Phase 3 - Light and Dark
First then and Now - addition sheet White Rose Maths
Simple sheet - numbers to 10 then another using numbers beyond 10.
Reception Autumn Term 1 Medium Term Plan
A Medium Term Plan for Autumn 1 covering each subject area and what will be taught weekly.
Also shows continuous provision ideas and challenges.
Matching numerals to quantity 0-20
Cut, stick and match numerals to pictures.
Reception Medium Term Plan - All About Me!
Medum Term Plan covering all areas of the EYFS and CoL.
Maths Weekly Planning Reception
Reception planning focusing on numbers to 5.
Maths - Planning with a focus for a number a week.
Maths Planning based on White Rose Maths. I covered this planning in the Autumn Term.
The planning includes:
Numbers 1-5.
One more than/ one less than.
Comparing groups.
My Day.
Reception Medium Term Plan for Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night MTP covering all aspects of EYFS.
Reception Medium Term Plan for Halloween
Covers all areas of EYFS and CoL.
Reception weekly plans - Spring Term 1 - Maths based on White Rose Maths
6 weeks of Maths plans covering White Rose Maths 2020: Phase 4 - Alive in 5! and Phase 5 - Growing in 6,7,8.
How many cubes? Capactity worksheet
Used with Reception
5 Weekly Maths plans for Reception - Spring 1
5 weeks of Maths plans for Recpetion.
Planning is based on White Rose Maths and includes:
Numbers 5-8.
3D and 2D shapes.
Number bonds.
Reception weekly plans - Spring Term 2 - Maths based on White Rose Maths
Spring Term 2 Plans based on the White Rose guidance 2020. 6 weeks planning covering shape, length and height, numbers to 10 and subtraction
Phase 5 - Growing 6, 7, 8
Phase 6 - Building 9 and 10
NEW Early Learning Goal 2021 Checklist document
I have made this document/ resource based on the previous years Twinkl grid layout.
New ELG for 2021
White Rose Maths Planning - Reception Spring Term - weekly plans for the term
Whole term of weekly planning; covering White Rose Maths 2020-2021:
Phase 4 - Alive in 5!
Phase 5 - Growing in 6,7,8
Phase 6 - Building 9 and 10
White Rose Maths Planning - Reception Summer Term - weekly plans for the term
Whole term of weekly planning; covering White Rose Maths 2020-2021:
Phase 7 - To 20 and Beyond
Phase 8 - First Then Now
Phase 9 -Find My Pattern
Phase 10 - On The Move
How subjects are taught in the EYFS
A page for each subject and how the Developmental Matters and ELG match the subject.
Reception Maths Assessments for each phase - White Rose Maths - Autumn Term
One page assessment to complete when White Rose Maths phase has finished, including a Baseline assessment.
Reception Curriculum Progression Document
This document includes every area of the EYFS and splits it into expectations of what will be taught when throughout the year.